Concept, image, copy and layout— in any medium— are areas of interest to me. I like the challenge of having a certain amount of real estate to work with, using a grid and typography system, and make an organized, interesting page to read. It’s like Tetris: I like working with different elements to make things fit well. To this end, I've worked in publication design for books, magazines, newspapers, print and web. I’ve designed and coded websites for educational, hospital, and financial institutions.

Also, I was awarded a second Graphic Design USA Magazine award for the design of an academic brochure. It cost an absurd amount of money to enter this competition, just to confirm that the brochure came out okay. These days, client-approved and published work are validation enough for me. Save yer money, foo.

Built with HTML, CSS, and a dash of Javascript; Works and
concepts completed between the 20th and 21st centuries.